Friday, February 27, 2009

Flash Unit 1 - Image Bank

Image Bank

This picture was taken by Annie Leibovitz. Leibovitz started taking pictures when she was in the Philippines and later attended the San Francisco Art Institute. She started out writing plays and music, but later decided to go into photography. She has taken pictures for Disney and has taken many fashion portraits too. She has taken pictures for magazines such as the Rolling Stones. She is a very known around the fashion world and the photography world.

The reason I like this picture is because I like the angle of the lighting and the way it shines on the side of this face and not on his entire face. I love how the light really only shines on his face and on nothing else in the picture, except for a bit in the background.
It's a nice picture, even though it seems to have a bit of a depressing tone towards it, it still is very nice.

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