Saturday, December 13, 2008

Claustrophobia Image Bank

Image Bank

This picture was taken by the photographer Thomas Barbey.
Thomas Barbey is an American photographer who moved to Switzerland at a very young age. After he stopped university he decided to go into the Music world. He was a hit in the Italy and worked with many other people. It was not untill the 1990's when he started a Fashion studio. He does a lot of travelling and his inspirations are Rene Magritte and others.

I really like this picture. I think its so amazing, the way the hand holds the city in its palm, and it is as if the city is made out of sand, meaning that it could crash any second. I feel like this relates to this project because even though this is a city, imagine being surrounded by something and it could just "kill" you in any second. Its overwhelming, and just looking at it makes me feel like I'm in some small little place.

Image Bank # 2

This is my second image which is taken by the photographer Andre Kertesz.
Mr. Kertesz was a Hungarian photographer who probably should have gotten more recognision when he was still alive. He is now a lot more recognized than at the time though.

I love this picture and I also hate it at the same time. The reason I like it so much is because it is so random...A bunch of chairs put together in a park is definatly not something you would see everyday. The reason why I don't like it is because its too messy for me, and that is what makes it claustrophobia to me. I do not mind when things are scattered, but now it just looks messy.

This picture was taken by photographer named Elad Gutman. He was born in 1980 and he is from Israel. He used to be in the Isreali army and was in the photo unit. He then later became a fashion photographer assistant for a short period of time. He now does a lot of freelance, and he gets a lot of oppertunity to travel the world.

The moment I saw this picture I thought it was really good. The first thing I said to myself was "wow" and then i realized how uncomfortable it made me feel. I love being in big cities and having people around me...being alone in the middle of nowhere scares me, but this picture really gave another twist to loving the city and all the people. I feel so claustrophobic when I look at this picture, and I am definatly glad I'm not apart of that crowd. All the pushing and shoving around...? No thank you.

Claustrophobia Printing Compositions

Printing Compostions

Aperture: 2.8
Time: 28 seconds

Aperture: 2.8
Time: 120

This picture was scanned in, so I was not able to include the actual whole picture.

Aperture: 2.8
Time: 135

This is the test strip for the picture above.

Aperture: 2.8
Time: 40, 50, 60

Aperture: 2.8
Time: Do not remember the exact time but it is around 140 seconds.

Aperture: 2.8
Time: 70, 75, 80

Aperture: 2.8
Time: 120

Claustrophobia Theory Notes

Theory Notes

Picture 1

The first picture that I took was from a class mate and my teacher's daughter. I know I had to convince the teacher to let me use it for claustrophobia, and so this is a perfect chance for me to explain why. Almudena is holding the little girl in her arms, and behind her we can see some sort of gate. This picture does not make me feel claustrophobic, but the setting and the looks of the "models" make it seem as if they are the ones that feel claustrophobic. Some people could interperate this picture as if the two people are scared and afraid, which is technically correct because if a person is feeling claustrophobic, they usualy don't look very happy.
When I was taking this picture, I really tried to take it at diffent angles, but I decided to just go for the direct angle, so their feelings would not be "hidden". I also really tried to get the bars in the background to try and give that feeling of enclosure. If the bars would have not been in the picture I don't think that it could be considered as claustrophobia.

Picture 2

The second picture was of another classmate of mine. She was sitting under a small little table. I asked her if she could somehow represent a look of fear, or being able to look scared, and so I tried to use her facial expression the best I could. I did not take this picture at a direct angle like the picture I described earlier, this time I decided to go for a bit of a different angle, which I think made the picture a bit more dramatic. I'm also very glad that I was able to capture the wall and apart of the table, so it is a bit more clear to see that the model is in a small space. In this picture I also made sure that the model was not looking at me, which made her seem more distant.

Picture 3

This picture is quite different from all the other pictures that I took. In all my other pictures I had people to represent the claustrophobic feeling, but for this one I decided to use objects. This picture is a bike shed full of bikes. They are all the same kind of bikes, they are all the same size, and they are all in the one row in the same position. You can also clearly see that they are in a bike shed which adds that more enclosed feeling towards the picture.
Bikes do not generally make me feel claustrophobic, but when I see things, which are all the same in one little small location I do feel a bit overwhelmed. This particular picture does not make me feel that claustrophobic, but I do feel some sort of enclosure. This picture was also taken from an angle which ended up being a side angle. I think in this case taking the picture from a side angle does have a bigger affect, because when I looked at my negative I had a choice of taking this picture or a picture without the side angle but with just a direct look, and it was very obvious to me which one I wanted to use for this project. Something about the direct shot made it feel like a " so what" picture, and it really did not have any affect, and it didn't even look good.

Picture 4

This picture is taken of a little girl, who is looking straight at the camera and it gives the picture such a dramatic effect. This little girl is behind some sort of a wall or little fence, and she has her hands resting on the little fence which makes it seem as if the little girl is trying to get away, and trying to escape from the area that she is in. When I was taking the picture I wanted to include the wall so it would be easier to see the child's surroundings. Now that I look back at my picture I imagine the same exact picture with a different model, someone older like an adult, the picture would be so much different and it would not have the same effect. I think when taking a picture of claustrophobia it is important to keep in mind who the model is.

To see all the pictures you can look at my Printing compostitions.


Diary Entry

This project went overall pretty good. My experiences both in the dark room and in the black room were good too. I actually forgot my camera, but I was able to borrow someone else's which was a great help. Most of my pictures came out good, even though all the ones that I used for this project needed some convincing and needed some clarification why they represented claustrophobia.
I was pretty lucky in the sense that most of my pictures were around the same times, and I did not have to wait too long to figure out the times. I was also lucky in the sense that I did not really get any pictures that were grey, which was great because I didn't have to use a filter.